Privacy Policy

  • Data Privacy Policy

It is particularly important to us that we provide a service that meet customer expectations. For this we need to disclose the information you entered on our Website to our Insurance Partners for providing the requested quotations. When you submit information on our Website or enquire and purchase a policy, we (including our insurance partners) collect personal information including sensitive data such as health information and criminal proceedings. Without proper information disclosure, we may not be able to provide you with full services.

We endeavour to treat all your Personal Information as private and confidential. Other than under the terms of this Privacy Statement, we refrain from disclosing information to anyone, unless mandated by law for legal proceedings. All personal information is solely used for the purposes of retrieving quotes, with certain caveats as mentioned below.

We may use your data to review and analyse market trends and to track sales data. We may use or disclose your Personal Information to our Insurance Partners, our technology partners, payment systems operators and financial institutions.


By proceeding with obtaining a quote you explicitly consent to such Personal Information being processed in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. may amend this policy periodically and any change on the treatment of Personal information will be updated in this section.

  • Data Storage and Retention Policy

Middle East Insurance Brokers is committed to compliance with data protection laws. The privacy policy explains the security measures we have put in practice to protect your information and how we utilize the collected information.

While submitting any information within this website, you consent to the terms and conditions set out in the data privacy policy. We recommend you carefully read it before you submit any data. You may request a copy of the privacy policy from us using the contact details set out below. This policy outlines the terms with respect to the retention, retrieval, and deletion of personal data.

  • Data collection and usage:

We may request you to provide us with relevant personal details (contact details, date of birth, photographs, marital status, nationality, medical history, height/weight, hobbies/interests and financial information). The details vary as per the type of insurance. This is solely requested as an administrative requirement for maintenance and claim of the policy, including responses to any query that you might ask us.

We may be required by law to collect certain additional details about you, or because of any contractual relationship we have with you. Failure to provide accurate information may prevent or delay the fulfilment of obligations. We will inform you at the time of information collection if it is compulsory, along with the consequences of non-disclosure.

As part of fulfilling professional obligations, we may collect information or undertake credential check through various public databases. Occasionally we may collect your personal information from authorized regulatory sources such as government bodies and other publicly available records. This is common when we are complying with our legal obligations regarding a crime verification. In these circumstances, if needed we may notify you or seek your consent to their use.


All personal information supplied by you will be treated with utmost confidence by the insurance agents and will be held in our data systems or those of our insurance partners. No information will be disclosed to any third parties except where your consent has been received or permitted by law.

  • Data storage and retention:

We store your personal data for the following reasons:

To fulfil our contractual obligations to you and authorized regulatory sources. To review, process and manage claims.

To help us prevent and detect fraud claims, money laundering or violations of law. To carry out background checks when required.

To perform administrative activities in connection with our services.

To comply with legal obligations and to cooperate with regulatory bodies for research and development of new insurance policies and business audits.


When we process personal information to meet our legitimate interests, we always put in place robust safeguards to ensure that your privacy is protected.

  • Information security:

We implement technical measures to ensure a full-proof security on the personal information we process. These measures ensure the on-going integrity and confidentiality of data.

We will retain your personal information for as long as we have a relationship with you, and for a period thereafter, only if required.

Your rights over your personal information:

You have certain rights regarding your personal information that include:

Modifying or updating the information we hold about you.

Restrict our use of your personal information.


We encourage you to contact us for periodically updating or rectifying the personal information we hold about you.

  • Changes to the privacy policy:

We may modify or update the data privacy policy on a timely basis. We will notify you in case of any fundamental changes that create an impact on the purchase or claim process. You will be given the notice well-in-advance so that you have the sufficient opportunity to exercise your rights or raise an objection.

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